The Abbe-Refractometer is a simple device to with a high resolution. It is able to perform multiple functions. The Abbe-Refractometer is a tabletop instrument to quickly and accurately determine the refractive index nD (between 1,300 and 1,700) as well as the sugar content in liquids, dispersions, emulsions and other translucent substances. With this refractometer you will be able to determine the refractive index with a temperature range form 0 … to + 70 ºC by using the thermometer. The temperature can be controlled by means of an external thermostat with incorporated water tube adapters in the upper and lower prisms. The Abbe-Refractometer allows you to determine the sugar content with a range of 0 … 95% (1,333 … 1,531) accurately. Besides these functions, the refractometer can also be used to perform other functions. This means that the refractometer has got the ability to measure and analyze lipids, oils, paints, food, lacquered and chemical substances, alcohols and solvent elements.
- Used for measuring refractive index of liquids.
- Range 1.3 to 1.7 with an accuracy of 0.001 direct on scale and 0.0001 by estimation.
- Sugar percentage range of 0 to 95% with an accuracy of 1% on scale and 0.1 by estimation can be measured.
- Complete with test piece, contact liquid and thermometer in wooden cabinet. Adaptable thermometer
Measurement Ranges
Refractive index 1,300 … 1,700 ND
Sugar content 0 … 95 %
– Refractive index 0.0002 ND
– Sugar content 0.25 %
– Refractive index 0.0002 ND
– Sugar content 0.25 %